Sunset always makes me pensive and the further I am from home. (I'm shooting in Australia at the moment). the more potent and overpowering is its effect on my mood, my thoughts and very resently my words — ever since I've started writing this column. There are people who romanticise sunset and turn it into the lover in whose arms they can spend the beginning of darkness; there are other that term sunset as one of the most beautiful sights nature has bestowed upon us.
Beautiful it sure is, but a sunset also Mother's Nature's very own double-edged sword.
Every sunset is a glaring reminder of things that come to an end. One day less to work harder to achieve my dreams, one day less to enjoy the excitement of a new city, one day less to devour good food, one day less to hear my mom say "I Love You" to me, one day less in the game of life.
The sunset helps you forgot the day's pains and start anew — its the bearer of eternal hope! it is interesting how everything that we do during the day transforms itself into a memory and how strange it is that with the rising sun, memories resur-face.