15th Oct 2011 is a very very special day for me☺ Kyuki in oct 15 me meet my Angel although only in dreams☺, But all was felt so real as if this not a dream me can remember all the moment what happening in my dream, this like just happend yesterday in real life☺. Lets me tel how it happend h ☺☺☺
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| | As usual every day me always searching my Angel pics and news on internet. sometimes me search Angel clip too. And me got a news wich Angel will come to my country to attend one event in one of the famous Channel in my country.
The television arranged one a show to fans could meet directly with they idol. And this time is my Fairy Angel Geneliad <3 <3 <3 me very excited^^ even me know me cant participate in the tv show h but atleas me can see my Angel in real life h not a pic or photo :d
Lekin me don't know what to do how so that me could reach the television show to see my Angel, because me did not have a friend and wasnt enough a balance.. And when the day has come. Me summoned up courage went personally by taking a truck like Angel and Anand bhai garu in Sasirekha Parinayam , but me alone h without a friend and with ugly and unsophisticated clothes And when reaching the city me change the truck with public transport and headed towards the tv station with the pounding heart beat Me reach the station tv there has been very crowded with people plus with very tight security and me was very difficult to enter
After long time finally lot of the car arrived and evidently that was Angel's cars! that just arrived!! me can see Angel got out of the black colour car with a blue shirt me did not know what kind of the car, And finally Angel was disappeared obstructed by crowded people and entered the building, me screaming called "Angel!! Angel!!"but Angel did not see me..
Me just can see my Angel in a wide screen outside the building. and there Is two very lucky girl who can meet with my Angel hugh and kiss and spend the weekend, went on a trip with Angel. Angel and the two lucky girls went to on a trip to a place called Anchol in Jakarta, and me v lucky me can follow my Angel anywhere wherever Angel go me always there☺. Even me got a chance to take some pics of Angel with my mobile ☺☺☺ Moreover me just see my Angel from the distance but me enjoyed a lots, as if one of the lucky girl Is me myself <3 <3
Was not realised the day also changed became dark and the night is come. Angel with two girls was not seen again din't know whether where is Angel goin:( Me took the decision to back home and because this is already night.. possibly my mother was waiting in a concern at my home, and I have been happy enough because has seen my Angel directly :):):)
However suddenly me heard the car voice roaring!.. And evidently had a car that got an accident, and when me approached the car.. OMG!! this was Angel's car and Angel's car hit the tree: (:(:( Me quickly approached the car, and me saw Angel sat in the front seat like Angel in Jaane Tu yaa jaane na And Angel was seen seldom groaned :((( now the person in Angel's possibly the driver or Angel's friend was also wounded and seen tried to take out Angel from the car but could not, he himself wounded alot. the situation there was v bad n dark and no any single person ther who can came and help:(:(:( And me tried to help my Angel but the person who beside Angel not permitted and tried to take Angel out but he couldn't.. Me "Please sir ...(he is nt old h. maybe jst lyk RD bhai)... let me helped my Angel please, my Angel Is hurt :(". Me tried to gain Angel, and with Angel's weak voice, Angel said "Let her help me, let her...help me". Angel said it to him. me "please sir me want to help my Angel ...". (what Angel said really happened in mydream, me did not write it, And finally he permitted and released Angel from his hands, then me tried to issue/take-out my Angel from the window of the car , because the door of the car stalled could not be opened. Finally me also could dismiss/take-out my Angel from the car, Angel was seen weak but thank to Allah me did not see any blood on my Angel's body, possibly Angel only feel shocked.. Me embraced my Angel and despised Angel's right hands on my shoulder and went slow passed the small road and the paddy- field's.
In my heart did not believe what was happened, my Angel was in my embrace whether this was true real? Lekin nw Angel is here together with me. me could hear Angel sigh. me whispered to God - thank God You brought my Angel to me although me did not like the way You brought my Angel h, but thanks a ton GOD this is true extremely valuable for me thank you so much :)
After some times we arrived in my house .. (really did not know why me brought Angel to my house not to the hospital :s) .. My house exactly look same with my house in real life, small and ungood looking. my mother was most startled to see me came by bringing the person who was sick, My mother asked "who tèä?" "This my Angel h mom" (me and my mom spoke with Indonesian language) "my Angel experienced the accident in the road: (" "brought inside fast tèä gave her drink a warm water" then me brought Angel entered my house and my mom prepared warm water to washed my Angel's wound Angel did not speak anything and a few moments later Angel then fell asleep. me gazed at Angel's beautiful and lovely face afterwards me kiss her softly, Angel looking very lovely when asleep :) Me did not know what happened next because my dream only ended here: (((
hope my dream will continued in the future.. or some day may my dream will come true.. bt with all happy. Kyuki if my Angel happy me also doble happy :)))))
by: JrAngelTiya in Oct 16, 2011
for best h change Angel name Genelia to Angel
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